Machine Park
We use state-of-the-art machine tools from renowned manufacturers, including
Röders, Hermle, Deckel, AGIE, Schaublin, Jung, Hauser
In order to meet the growing challenges, we regularly invest in our machinery.
Since spring 2024 another „Hermle“ 5-axsis milling machine (C400U) is further expanding our millng capacities.

Röders "RFM 600" HSC milling machine
Traverse paths 600 x 400 mm, tool magazine and pallet holder, spindle up to
40,000 rpm
Röder's "RXP 400" HSC milling machine for grey-fit machining
Traverse paths 400 x 250 mm, tool magazine and pallet holder, spindle up to
40,000 rpm and very responsive due to linear drive of all axes
Hermle "C42U" 5-axis milling machine
Traverse paths 800 x 800 x 550 mm, 42-position tool magazine, Heidenhain TNC640 control system
Spark Erosion

AGIE “Challenge-V2”
Wire EDM system with fine wire option, travel 350 x 250 x 250 mm
AGIE “Innovation-3”
Die-sinking EDM system with electrode and workpiece changer (pallet system), travel 550 x 350 mm
AGIE “Hyperspark-2”
Die-sinking EDM system with electrode changer and pallet system, travel 350 x 250 mm
AGIE “Drill 20”
CNC start hole erosion machine
Zeiss “Vista”
Measuring machine and presetting station for workpieces and electrodes, pallet system

Schaublin CNC
Lathe with automatic tool changer, "Fanuc" control, turning length 750 mm

Hauser jig grinding machine "SIP-40 CNC
Traverse paths 600 x 400, tracked C-axis, path programming
MSO internal cylindrical grinding machine
For cylindrical and conical bores
MSO external cylindrical grinding machine
For precise outside diameters with high surface quality
Jung "JA-500" surface and profile grinding machine, additionally with DIAFORM dressing device
Enables high-precision grinding of profiles, e.g. for cutting punches or guide
ELB surface grinding machines
Up to 1 m grinding length and sanding widths up to 500 mm